3 Tari Tradisional Khas Aceh: Keunikan Gerakan dan Karakteristik

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FENESIA – Aceh, with its rich culture and customs, is also known for its unique traditional dance. This region played an important role in the spread of Islam in Indonesia and is committed to upholding Islamic values in everyday life.

In addition to its enchanting beaches, Aceh is known for its popular traditional dances, attracting many tourists from within and outside the country. These dances contain deep meanings that reflect the lives of the Acehnese people. There are 184 types of traditional dances in various cities and regencies in Aceh, each with unique movements and characteristics.

Here are some popular dances in Aceh:

1. Tari Saman
Saman dance is the most famous dance in Indonesia. This dance depicts togetherness, unity, and values ​​such as manners, heroism, and unity. This dance is accompanied by poetry and supporting music. Its movements are distinct with hand clapping, chest pounding, and costume changes.

2. Tari Guel
Guel dance originates from the Gayo culture and means “hide.” This dance is rarely performed, except for certain traditional ceremonies, and symbolizes the Gayo community’s love for nature and the surrounding environment.

3. Tari Seudati
Seudati dance is usually performed by a group of enthusiastic and energetic male dancers. This dance was initially used as a means of dakwah (religious preaching), but later developed into entertainment for the community. Usually, there are eight dancers, including a syeh (spiritual leader) and several assistants, who perform with poetry and strong foot stomping.

Traditional dance in Aceh is an important part of its rich cultural heritage and offers deep insights into the culture and values ​​of the Acehnese people.